About Us
At WikiNetWorth, we just don't deliver net worth info; we want to tell you success stories for your motivation.
Wikinetworth.com has been and will continue providing finance and management scholars, enthusiasts, and experts a platform to create well-researched content about everything and everyone related to making, managing, circulating, investing, and using the hottest commodity in the world — Money!
When we created the website in 2016, our primary goal was to gift our audience the most up-to-date and trustworthy information as possible. Thus, we put in place a hard-working Editorial/Research team that could ensure the fulfillment of standard evidence-based practice in each of the content development processes.
But sill, we request you not to take our contents as the final resort for information and cross-reference them as per your need. Be sure that we will not be responsible, in any way, for the way and purpose (financial or any other) you use the materials published in our websites or any of the external links within because:
- Money-related suggestions, just like any distinct niche, may be derived from the experience, preferences, understanding, and schooling gained by the author and may vary for the same scenario.
- The source could change external links and information (especially product prices and terms of use) referenced on the web as per as change in industry, scenarios, business, services, technicalities, statistics, and any other related scenarios/issues; and we may not have received notice of such abrupt changes.
- Calculating someone's net worth may depend upon various revealed and unrevealed factors. A well-researched backed process and data could only provide evidence-backed results and industry-wide standards. As such, we will publish both the considered and left-out factors.
However, wikinetworth.com vows to check and update the factual errors prevalent in the content it publishes or has published. We also request you to report any incoherent, inaccurate, or misleading information to us if you deem necessary. We request you to:
- Read our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
- Send us feedback, suggestions, and tips at info@wikinetworth.com